Demonstration Class

 Demonstration Class 1 - English

Date: 4 October 2021
Time: 5:30 pm
Platform: Cisco WebEx Online meeting
Topic of demo teaching:  Several teaching techniques and lesson - MY FIRST FLIGHT
Pedagogy: English
Resource person: Mrs. Bonny Roy, Teacher, Alumni, VSWCE

Knowledge acquired

Focus of a teacher:

  • Effective and informative delivery.
  • Creating a rapport with students.
  • Clear Idea of the content.
  • Time Management.
  • Prior preparation of the content.
  • Language connects a student and a teacher, so having complete control over your language.
  • Using language judiciously.
  • The tone of the voice should be soothing, humble but with high amplitude.
  • Create a mind map of what you want to convey or how to make children understand.
  • Allowing the students to express more.

My Attendance

Future Implementation 

40 Minutes class 

  • 10 minutes- Introduction- Establishment of relationship with students- ice breaking with activities like hang man, enacting, deciphering the topic of the content with a clue- interactive session with general discussion.
  • 20 minutes- previous knowledge- lesson- questioning- explaining- Narrating a story- don't miss out on any detail of explanation- objectives- peak curiosity by not revealing the climax and making students think.
  • 10 minutes- recapitulate- summarise the class- closure- assignments to test understanding.
Teaching Learning Materials used:

Charts- Flash cards- Picture cards- Mind map

Flash cards

Charts and mind maps
Thank You!


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