Bridge Course 2) Moral Values and Character Building

 Bridge Course - Session 2

Moral values and character building

Resource person: Dr.M.Saraswathy

Date: 15 February 2021
Time: 10 am
Platform: Google Meet

Knowledge Acquired:

Moral Values

" We are all born as empty vessels which can be meaningfully filled with moral values." Moral Values are life protecting and life enhancing.

This session was very informative and fascinating as each moral value was etched firmly into our hearts and minds with engaging videos.

An enthralling video on Responsibility 

An amazing video on Respect

Character Building

As said by Abraham Lincoln" Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think of but the tree is the real thing." Character is the inherent complex of attributes that determine a person's moral and ethical actions and reactions.

Dimensions of Character Building

Tips to build a strong character in life

  • Believe in yourselves.
  • Consider things in every angle and every aspect.
  • Don't give in or give up.
  • Achieve your dreams.
  • Enjoy your times with family and friends.
  • Give more than what is enough.

Future Implementation

Teachers not only impart wisdom and knowledge to their pupils, but also sow the seeds of moral values in young fertile minds and help students develop a stellar character. It is first, the sole responsibility of a teacher to sculpt their character and embed moral values in their own lives in order to be an amazing role model to their students who look up to them and imitate their enriching personality. Teachers learning about moral values and healthy character development enables them to, in turn teach their students with creative practical examples as their own selves. It is indeed necessary as a human being, as a guide, as a teacher to inculcate such invaluable traits within themselves as well as their pupils.


Thank you! 


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