Mindfulness - Life Skill Development Program


Date: 29 march 2021

Time:11.00 a.m

Platform: Zoom online meet

Topic: Mindfulness

Resource person: Mrs. Ambily Harris, Principal, VidhyaSagar Happy Skool.


Knowledge Acquired:

  • The basics of mindfulness was wonderfully explained.
  • The power of positivity was demonstrated through the glasses of water.
  • Mindful breathing was taught and practiced.
  • How to channel one’s thought was illustrated.
  • A Small Meditation session was done, where our respected resource person guided our negative thoughts into the abyss, away from us in a symbolic balloon.
  • Mindful practices were emphasized and elaborated.
  • How to create a gratitude journal and how to practice gratitude in our every day’s life was marvellously explained.
  • There was an enlightening interactive session between the esteemed guest and future empowered women practice teachers.
  • The session ended with a mindful positive note, summarisation of the entire session, best regards and blessings from our beloved guest and mentors to the now empowered student teachers.

Future Implementation:

  • The goal of mindfulness is to wake up to the inner workings of our mental, emotional, and physical processes. 
  • “Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally,” says Kabat-Zinn. “And then I sometimes add, in the service of self-understanding and wisdom.
  • Meditation focuses on the breath, not because there is anything special about it, but because the physical sensation of breathing is always there and you can use it as an anchor to the present moment.

My Attendance

Thank You!


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