Who Am I? - The Best In You - An EPC Program

 The Best In You
Date: 1st March 2021
Time:10.00 a.m.
Platform: Cisco WebEx Online Meet
Resource Person: Dr.M.Brindhamani, Principal, Vidhya Sagar Women’s College of Education.
Topic: EPC - Who Am I??? – The Best in You


  • This inspiring session started with the practice teachers of VSWCE filling a google form that was used as a tool for self-reflection and realisation.
  • This survey was followed by, the words of wisdom rendered by our esteemed principle, which kindled our inner spirit, and boosted our self-confidence.
  • We were enlightened on the major qualities of an empowered women.
  • The value of inner beauty was emphasised and techniques to strengthen one’s inner core was explained.
  • The session’s engrossing details are jotted below which left the women participants of this event highly motivated and empowered.

Insights gained

  • True Beauty: True Beauty is the beauty of one’s character, how they treat themselves and others. True Beauty lies in the purity of the heart.

  • The Power of spirituality: A spiritual women is a strong women. Faith in God is the first step towards an enlightened path.

  • Be happy with what you have. Never compare yourselves with others but only with your own past self.
  • Empowered Women has a Kind heart, Fierce mind and a brave spirit.
  • Never give up. The real strength is getting up every time you fall and fail. The real success is built on numerous failures.

My Attendance

  • Self confidence and faith in yourselves is the key.
  • Concentrate on what's happening within you and not around you.
  • You are neither inferior to anyone nor superior. God has a special place and purpose for you on this earth.

Future Implementation

  • How we see ourselves is more important. Everything beautiful starts from within.
  • The world views us just the way we view/value, ourselves.
  • The search to the answer for the question of who am I? is a lifelong process which leads one to self-realisation and ever-increasing growth of self.



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