16th Annual Community Based Engagement & Skill Development Program 1 - (Virtual) (26 July - 30th July 2021)

Skill development camp I

Self Determination

Date: 26 July 2021

Time: 11 am

Platform: Cisco WebEx Meeting

Resource Person:

Dr. Gayathri Ramachandran
Correspondent and Principal, Shri Natesan Vidyasala MHSS,  Mannivakkam, Chennai 

Knowledge acquired

  • The session was really insightful and inspiring.
  • We learnt that self determination requires self motivation. Anything that comes from within is indeed several times fruitful and fulfilling. And self motivation is one such thing.
  • Dr. Gayathri maam narrated her life story where with her thirst for knowledge, self determination, self motivation and ceaselessness she was able to overcome a number of obstacles.
  • According to her a good teacher is an active incessant learner, innovative and creative in teaching, is passionate about her job and is self driven.

Future Implementation

As quoted by Dr. Gayathri ma'am, 
"I am ready to learn from scratch, if that's what it takes to be a good teacher."


We had a feast for our eyes, when D.P. Anusya, 1 B.Ed. gave an enthralling dance performance and when Krishna Priya, Aarthi and Kowsalya, 1 B.Ed., exhibited their hand made art and craft works.


"If you love what you do, then only sky is the limit."

Thank You!


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