16th Annual Community Based Engagement & Skill Development Program 2 - (Virtual) (26 July -30th July 2021)

Skill development camp 2

Contribution of prospective teachers towards
community development

Date: 27 July 2021
Time: 11 am
Platform: Cisco WebEx Meeting

Resource Person: 
Lion Mrs. Premalatha Rajaprasad, President, 
Lions Club of Madras, Metro West, Chennai


Knowledge Acquired

Key notes:

  • It was a prideful moment when she quoted "Teaching is a noble profession that produces all the other professions"
  • Future teachers have greatest responsibility in their hands, that is to shape students into a moral bound responsible citizens.

  • She elegantly compared teachers to miracle workers with a magic wand having the power to create wonders in a student's life.

Requirements of a devoted teacher:

  • Listen to the students' queries, doubts and feedback, guiding them accordingly.
  • Guide them in the right direction with the right morals of life.
  • Introduce disaster management, moral education, basic health and hygiene, along with imparting subject knowledge.

Montessori teaching involves:

learning through

  • trial and error
  • sensorial apparatus
  • activities

It involves child psychology and revolves around the fact that children learn much faster in their sensitive periods i.e. 1-6 years.

Montessori teachers are more of directors and observers. Through Montessori teaching, children in their sensitive ages, learn grace and courtesy, interpersonal skills, moral values etc.


We learnt how

  1. updating yourselves with the current knowledge
  2. adapting to situations
  3. effective articulation
  4. pedagogical knowledge
  5. extracurricular knowledge
  6. creativity, expressiveness, imagination, patience
  7. time management

are extremely important to be a good teacher who in turn becomes a great role model to her students.

Future Implementation 

The charitable nature, the service in hunger relief, ophthal care, dialysis centers with minimum charge, displayed by her is highly inspiring.

Striving hard to serve the real needy people and contribute to community development, is something essential to inculcate in the minds of teachers and thereby the young sensitive minds of pupils.


Thank You


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