16th Annual Community Based Engagement & Skill Development Program 3 - (Virtual) (26 July -30th July 2021)

 Community engagement and skill development camp 3


DATE: 28/7/21
Time: 11 am
Platform: Cisco WebEx
Chief Guest: Mrs. Shanti C, Principal, St. Mary's Maria Montessori Teacher Training school
The topic of discussion: Developing Universal skill-set through the eyes of Montessori

Knowledge acquired

Montessori Education

Montessori teaching sounded really fascinating, especially the way our chief guest explained it, as this is the first time we have had the opportunity to get to know about this topic.

We learnt that the Montessori method was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 1900s.

It's a specific child-centered method of education that involves child-led activities. It's a system of education for the young children that seeks to develop natural interests and activities rather than the use of formal teaching methods.

Montessori teaching involves learning through

  • trial and error
  • sensorial apparatus
  • activities

Important aspects of a role model of a teacher:

  • updating yourselves with the current knowledge
  • adapting to situations
  • effective articulation
  • pedagogical knowledge
  • extracurricular knowledge
  • creativity 
  • expressiveness
  • imagination
  • patience
  • time management

Montessori Teaching involves child psychology and revolves around the fact that children learn much faster in their sensitive periods i.e. 1-6 years.

Montessori teachers are more of directors and observers. Through Montessori teaching, children in their sensitive ages, learn grace and courtesy, interpersonal skills, moral values etc.

Future implementation

As future teachers we learnt the importance of  improving our interpersonal skills with the children. We also learnt the role of adaptability, pedagogical in depth learning, extra curricular  knowledge and leadership qualities in the life of a teacher. Finally we understood that patience of a teacher among her pupils is extremely necessary to become a successful teacher.

Thank You


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