Demonstration class

 Demonstration class 2- Physical science

Date:  05 October 2021
Time: 10 AM
Platform: Cisco WebEx Online Meeting
Pedagogy: Physical Science
Topic of demonstration: Electric Circuits
Resource person: Mrs. K. Anitha, Teacher, Alumni of VSWCE

Knowledge Acquired

  • The skill of introduction.
  • Fluency in explanation.
  • The skill of questioning.
  • Relating the content to a practical application in real life.
  • Skill of closure.

My Attendance 
Future Implementation

  • Always prefer using a working model for teaching science subjects.
  • Static models can also be used to deliver the general idea of the content for example a cardboard static model of a screw gauge or Vernier calipers.
  • Proper and efficient usage of TLM to sustain the interest of the children.

Teaching Learning Materials used:

  • Composite picture: Sources of electricity
  • Working model of series and parallel circuit.
  • Charts of series, parallel and simple circuits.
  • Charts on the difference between series and parallel circuits, components of the circuit.
  • Rotating disc- components of a circuit
  • Matching Board of the content of discussion.

Matching Board
Working Model of a circuit

Thank You!


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