Demonstration Class

 Demonstration Class 5- English

Date:  07 October 2021
Time: 10 AM
Platform: Cisco WebEx Online Meeting
Pedagogy: English
Topic of demonstration: Safety rules
Resource person: Ms. Razia Sultana, Teacher, Alumni of VSWCE.

My Attendance
Knowledge Acquired and Future Implementation

  • A very lively interactive session.
  • We learnt how to use black board while also sustaining the attention of children.
  • Very attractive TLM and impressive usage.
  • We learnt the importance of giving examples, and narrating stories.
  • Ma'am's tone of voice, pauses, ups and downs, kept the class lively and interesting.
Positive Reinforcement 
Teaching Learning Materials
  • Flash cards- Important words related to traffic rules
  • Picture cards- Zebra crossing, traffic signals
  • Charts- Emphasising traffic rules
  • Matching Board- Safety symbols
Picture card
Thank You!


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