Demonstration class

 Demonstration class 7- Maths(Tamil)

Date:  08 October 2021
Time: 10 AM
Platform: Cisco WebEx Online Meeting
Pedagogy: Maths
Topic of demonstration: Integers
Medium of Instruction: Tamil 
Resource person: Ms. R. Anitha, Teacher, Alumni of VSWCE.
My Attendance

Knowledge acquired and Future Implementation

  • Since our college has medium of instruction of teaching both English and Tamil, it was a fascinating experience for me whose medium of instruction of teaching was English.
  • Hearing the resource person teach in native language gave us new ideas as practice teachers to approach students with whose first language was tamil.
  • Observing her introduction, explanation, and recapitulation skills was very informative.
  • The way she handled and displayed TLM was something to be noted and incorporated by us as practice teachers.
  • The analogies that she used really helped in understanding the concept of integers.

Teaching Learning Materials used:-

  • Flash cards
  • Picture cards
  • Charts
  • Board work
  • Matching Board
Flash Cards

Picture card


Board Work

Thank You!


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